Web Design
Web Design
The first website I built was a summer project when I was teaching– I wanted to share these cool resources I had made…. and wound up spending an entire summer cursing and watching YouTube videos.
Ten plus years later, I’ve realized that web design is fun and a powerful way to help organizations and groups I believe in show the world how amazing they are. To learn more, reach out!

The Futures Institute develops and advances policies that offer a bold vision for our future—one that provides all communities with genuine safety and all youth with equal opportunity. The focus in the design was on balancing the youth-focused energy of the organization with the need to appeal to donors and partners.

JenniferPiscopo.com is an academic portfolio site for a noted gender and politics scholar who specializes in Latin America. The goal of the design was to bring in the bright color palette of the countries where she works while emphasizing the forward-looking nature of her work.

The Community Safety Agenda is a joint project of more than 50 organizations nationwide dedicated to building safety that works for all communities. The goal in the design was to highlight the energy at the heart of the initiative through bright colors and engaging illustrations.

I developed Stop Learning Loss as a fast-response intervention during the pandemic– a time when my friends were struggling to find resources for their students and their own children. At such a dark time, the focus in the design was on a soft palette and whimsical images to make users smile.

Free To Drive is an initiative to end driver license suspensions. A wide group came together to create GPS maps, logos, and content for the site. The design goal was to convey both a sense of freedom and a sense of mission.

Spedhelper is one of the first sites I built! Over the years, I have redesigned it and added new features but it remains a resource site for special education teachers with the cool colors (and cute owls!) that always brought me peace when I was teaching.

A passion project of mine from grad school, Detracking.com was created to bridge the research-to-teaching gap and convey information in the cleanest way. The focus in the design was on simplicity and clean lines to create a user-friendly interface.

Visual Music Systems is creating an entirely new form of art. The goal with their website was to communicate the bold, visionary nature of their work through art from their systems and bold colors.